Ted Talks
Ted Talks and Videos
We All Fail before We Succeed
Meet Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat, Pray, Love. Gilbert reflects on why success can be as disorienting as failure and offers a simple -- though hard -- way to carry on, regardless of outcomes.
Find out how, when living in your rightful "home", you can resiliently handle failure because there is no other option.
The power of vulnerability | Brené Brown
Mels Robins has come up with a great motivation tool that is so simple!
The video’s only 11 minutes but very powerful;
she introduces the five second brain hack to stop procrastination and get things done.
Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are
Amy Cuddy
Did you know that even fake laughter can have the same impact as real laughter on reducing stress? Funny enough, the brain can't tell the difference! So have a look at this video on Laughter Yoga to see how you can get more laughter into your life. Don't worry, you won't be asked to go into "pretzel" mode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p4dZ0afivk
Teach Girls Bravery, Not Perfection
Reshma Saujani
The Power of Introverts
Susan Cain