“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” — Henry David Thoreau
Can you feel it? Summer in the northern hemisphere is over! All the signs are there…🍂 leaves are starting to change color… 👻 Halloween candy is on the store shelves…🎃 coffee shops are selling Pumpkin Latte, and the kids are back in school!
Did summer end too soon, or not soon enough for you?
Don’t get me wrong, I love Autumn…it’s my favorite time of year. However, because I didn’t get outside much this summer, I wish I could have another month to get a summer fix before it starts getting cool. I am totally to blame for missing out on summer – I let time get away from me, despite advising my clients not to do this very thing. And even when I tried to get back into my normal routine, it didn’t stick. I suspect grief over my brother’s death still has a hold on me. I’m not trying to fight it, but rather let it be. I recognize, “What you resist, will persist.”
So, I will embrace the crisp air on the horizon, hot apple cider, mulled wine, warm woolly sweaters, and the beautiful colors hanging on the trees. I’m also looking forward to establishing a new routine until I get my old one back (or not).
Taking the LEAP with you!

Mother Nature certainly likes her routine. Global warming aside, she cycles through the same processes, in the same order, doing things the same way they always have worked. Time in, and time out. We can note time by the passing of the seasons.
Within that cycle, of course, variations do exist—a dry winter or a mild fall—but we always can rely on the rhythm. One season follows the other. It’s a comfortable predictability in a world that often seems to be wildly unpredictable.
Luckily, it is possible to tap into that natural cycle, to bring into our lives a greater sense of flow and order. We can reflect on each season’s influence on our lives and our businesses/careers.
As you read the suggestions below, keep in mind we all have our own rhythms as well. What works for one person might not work for another. Or as I mentioned about, what used to work for you, may no longer work so you may need to create a new rhythm.
Take the ideas as ways to get you thinking. If a particular suggestion won’t work for you, is there another seasonally inspired activity that might?
🌱 Spring
In Spring, everything is glistening, green and new. There is a feeling of expansion, and a sense of renewal and reawakening. Seeds start to grow. People get outside more, becoming reacquainted with their gardens and nature. We take on spring-cleaning projects and clear out clutter.
A few activities that align with Spring:
Clean out the closets of old clothes, and clean out old thoughts that no longer serve you.
What have you always longed to do? Perhaps you want to write a book or teach a class or foster a child. Let this be the year you take action on your dream.
Notice, as well, if the seeds you’ve already planted (figuratively and literally) are starting to sprout. Tend them carefully, giving them ample time to grow.
🌞 Summer
In Summer, the landscape is lush and colorful with fruits and flowers and butterflies. The air is warm and growth is everywhere. Summertime offers opportunities for family adventures, sporting events, camping and exploring. We’re also busy in our gardens, working hard to ensure a good harvest. Long days of sunlight lend a feeling of abundance.
A few activities for Summer:
Use the longer days to tackle home improvement and other projects you’d like to do. Enlist the help of willing partners or children, and you’ll feel like a winning team.
Allow yourself a much-needed vacation and other breaks. Spend more time with friends and family. Also spend some time alone to look at your business/career.
Think about what you’re about to harvest in your life or work. Are you ready for it? What else can you do to support your own abundance?
🍁 Fall
The Fall offers us golden rich colors and crisp, cool air. There’s a feeling of transition and that “back to school” energy we never outgrow. A new school year keeps the whole family busy. The harvest of fruit and vegetables is in full swing while the excitement or dread of winter is present in our minds.
A few activities for Fall:
Look back over the year and consider your harvest (again figuratively and literally). Are you satisfied with its size and quality? What might you do to improve it for next year? Did you spend enough time with loved ones? Did you take a vacation (or two)? Did you get enough rest? Did you take care of yourself and set strong boundaries?
Prepare for the end of the year by compiling your records and getting organized. Are there any last-minute tweaks you can make to improve your yield?
❄️ Winter
Winter brings frigid air, frosted glass and, in some areas, a white blanket of snow. Many plants and some animals slip into hibernation and get ready for their springtime rebirth. Wintertime sports and holidays distract us from the sometimes uncomfortable temperatures and drastic blasts of weather. The holidays can also cause much stress; both physically and emotionally.
Here are a few activities that align with Winter:
Ask yourself what you would like to be born; internally and externally. Let yourself imagine that birth taking place. Write out or collect pictures what you visualize and put it in your vision box. Then watch the universe start to bring it to you.
Consider what is “hibernating” in your business/work or personal life. Is it almost time for a dormant phase to end? What could you let go of that would improve your life?
By aligning what you do with the natural seasonal rhythms that allow, sustain and renew all life on earth, you might just find your life and work are likewise supported, as they deepen, grow and prosper.
Think back on your childhood and remember what you loved most about Summer turning into Fall. Try to replicate that experience for you and your family and friends.
For me, making home-made caramel apples was a highlight of the season, along with jumping into piles of leaves. I'd love to hear about your childhood memory! Send me an email!
Awesome Resource
Click here to get you thinking about your favorite memories, here’s one of my favorite YouTube videos celebrating dogs and Fall.
Be sure to watch to the very end!

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Renée Blasky is the Founder and CEO of The LEAP Network Ltd.
Renée discovered her business and mindset coaching super powers when she was approached by a woman looking for assistance in developing a business opportunity. She hasn’t looked back since. Coaching women fits with her passion to empower women so they live a fulfilled life and make choices from a foundation of personal power, financial freedom and a deep sense of accomplishment.
Through her own experiences, as well as coaching women entrepreneurs and women in finance, Renée understands women often undermine their confidence and self-esteem. Consequently, they jeopardize their success paths, and mental fitness. As mindset accounts for an estimated 80% of success and happiness, Renée helps her clients to understand the lies they are telling themselves, how they are sabotaging their performance, wellness and relationships and helps them to establish a new journey to thrive utilizing their superpowers.
Renée helps her clients find clarity, regain their passion, set stick-worthy goals, stay focused, create the right mindset, and be accountable. She also gently pushes her clients outside of their comfort zones and helps them face their fears so they can achieve their dreams. Renée works with her clients through various online courses, webinars, one-on-one coaching, and group coaching programs.
Renée, who trained as a life coach with Tony Robbins and Cloé Madanes, is also a certified trainer for Marci Shimoff's Happy for No Reason and Susan Jeffer's Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway courses based on their respective books of the same name. She is also in the process of getting certified in the Positive Intelligence® program to increase her client’s mental fitness.
Renée is aptly qualified to coach women entrepreneurs and women in investments having founded two of her own businesses; investment management consulting services and business coaching. She is passionate about equality, diversity and inclusion and loves multi-cultural environments, having lived abroad for 35 years with assignments in 13 countries. She obtained her Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Charter in 1990, and has over 30 years of experience in the investment/finance industry. She is listed in Marquis Who’s Who in the World and Who’s Who in Finance. She has also received various awards and recognition in the investment industry through her work with the CFA Institute and the development of capital markets in East Africa.
Learn more about Renée and The LEAP Network by visiting her website here: www.theleapnetwork.coachesconsole.com.
You can also send an email directly to Renée at rkblasky@theleapnetwork.co (not “.com”)