18 July 2019

“Chase the vision, not the money;
the money will end up following you.”  
–Tony Hsieh, Zappos CEO

Hello Renée,

Starting and running your own business can be hard, and frustrating.  It can also take much longer than you expect to start seeing progress, much less make a profit

I can guarantee you at some point you will likely question, why you thought you could do it!  That is why it is super critical you LOVE what you do, it makes business sense and you know WHY you are doing it! 

This provides the mental stamina to continue when things get hard and the anticipated money is not rolling in right away!   When you chase money, rather than vision you will likely stray, chase shiny objects and may even give up altogether.  Chasing a vision with a strong WHY to back you up allows you to stay dedicated, diligent and on course.  

Remember, you’re also more likely to succeed when you ask for help in making this important transformation!  And having a coach is like having a business partner without having to share the profits, once they start rolling in. Let me know how I can help!

Taking the LEAP with you!



-Your business isn’t making money as fast as you think it should.

-You’re having trouble finding clients.

 Both are breeding grounds for frustration and discouragement, which can be deadly enemies of success. In fact, many entrepreneurs give up before they reap the rewards from their efforts. The reality, however, is everyone goes through discouragement from time to time, especially as a start up. How you get through it is what will determine your success.

So how do you overcome frustration?

Here are 5 Strategies for you to try.  I'd love to learn which works best for you!

Click here to keep reading



Top 10 Myths About Owning Your Own Business

Owning a business can be great, as long as you go in with your eyes open.

Here are some common misconceptions:

MYTH #1 I’ll be my own boss.

  • Your customers become your boss, and can hire and fire you like any corporate superior. That’s why customer service is so critical from the very first customer.

MYTH #2 I’ll have more free time.

  • You’ll likely work more hours until your business is ready to thrive without you.  But once that happens, you can delegate and create your own schedule. This is when it becomes a real joy to be a business owner.

MYTH #3 It’s just me…

  • I don’t need a business plan. Every business needs one. Without it, you’ll just drift like a leaf in the wind.  If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll never get there!

Click here to keep reading...


Challenge Question

Still interested in starting your own business or taking your start-up to the next level?  If yes, I’d love to chat to help you determine your next move. 

Go to https://theleapnetwork.coachesconsole.com/calendar to choose the date and time that works best for you!


Survey Monkey allows entrepreneurs to create surveys to help undertake market research on business ideas. Find out what people think about your ideas or better yet, discover what solutions people want to fix their problems. Remember, clients/customers don’t buy your product or service, they buy solutions to their problems!

Click here to find this and other awesome resources!



If you know it's time for a change in a specific area of your life, but you aren't sure how to make it happen, this is for you - Courage, Risks and Reward: Taking a Chance to Change Your Life -  a 5-part Coaching Program compliments of The LEAP Network!

Click here to download the program.


Complimentary LEAPSTART consultation:
  Click here to schedule your session!



Renée Blasky is the Founder and CEO of The LEAP Network Ltd.

She wasn’t always the risk-taking entrepreneur that she is today. Through several important life experiences, including being an "expat" for the vast majority of her life and sailing an ocean, she learned the importance and benefits of risk-taking and how to embrace risk rather than fear it! Renée also realized capturing life’s fulfillment meant giving back to others. So, she started her second business: The LEAP Network in order to share her experiences and expertise with entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs.  This includes "trailing spouses", stay-at-home parents or elderly care givers who have sacrificed their careers due to circumstances beyond their control.  Renée coaches existing entrepreneurs on ways to monetize their passion, revitalize their businesses and take action to grow their businesses.  She coaches those  who have sacrificed their careers, either by choice or by uncontrolled circumstances, to eliminate frustration, boredom and loneliness while becoming more fulfilled and happy!  By helping them start their own online businesses, they can get their identity back, boost their self esteem and once again be financially independent!

Learn more about Renée and The LEAP Network by visiting her website here: www.theleapnetwork.coachesconsole.com.

You can also send an mail directly to Renée at:  rkblasky@theleapnetwork.co (not “.com”)

Please join us on social media:


Renée Blasky
The LEAP Network, LLC