3 October 2019

“Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...
…It's about learning to dance in the rain.”

-Vivian Greene.

Hello Renée,

From conversations I’ve had with clients as well as fellow entrepreneurs, overwhelm is a common factor when we have big plans.  There is so much to do and it’s not always easy what should come first.   

We recognize setting goals is important when making transitions; especially big ones like reinventing yourself given a move to a different location, giving up your career, or starting a new business.  But many of us set goals and then never see them through because it’s too easy to quit when things get tough, no progress is being seen and/or there is no accountability. 

That’s why I’m developing a new program to help make the year 2020 the most satisfying one yet; full of fun, adventure, self-care and fulfillment, while still ensuring you make progress in reinventing yourself and building your dreams!  Interested to know more?  Contact me at rkblasky@theleapnetwork.co so I can put you on the “early-bird” list where you will be offered substantial savings as my loyal reader!

Taking the LEAP with you!



Have you ever looked in a thesaurus for the synonyms for overwhelm?  They are pretty awful: overpower, subdue, oppress, quash, engulf, swallow, submerge, bury, and suffocate.

Moan, groan and just plain UGHHHH!

To anyone who’s experienced overwhelm, and that’s plenty of us, those words may be all too familiar.  Whether the overwhelm is sudden or cumulative, chronic or acute, the feeling is one of drowning, immobility and powerlessness. 

During those times, everything feels too big.  It’s not just everyday busyness and packed schedules.  When we’re overwhelmed, even making dinner becomes a monumental effort.  Better eat out.  Bills, housework?  Forget it.  Tasks that used to take only 10 or 15 minutes now seem utterly impossible.  There seems to be no time for anything. So we do nothing.  It’s as if we are paralyzed.

Worse, we have no faith this, too, shall pass.  We seem hopelessly mired in the quicksand of “too much”.  We keep trying to will our way out of the quicksand but all our will wants is to just lie down.

"We live in a very overwhelming time—much more so than in decades past", says Jan Boddie, Ph.D., a California therapist who trains individuals and consults with businesses on the topic.  Things are speeding up.  Technology’s well-touted “time saving” seems to have yielded less leisure time, not more.  Companies are demanding longer work hours.  And now many adults are sandwiched between the needs of older and younger generations.

Click here to keep reading



Do you work hard but feel like you’ve accomplished little or nothing at the end of the day?

Do the fruits of your labor leave you wanting more?

Do you find yourself wondering, “Is this is all there is to life?”

If so, chances are you are living as if you’re on an endless treadmill.

Here are a few useful ways to further investigate:

1. Do you often feel overwhelmed and find it difficult to take action?  

  • Perhaps you’re no longer interested in trying anything new.  Maybe your actions throughout the day are on “autopilot.”

2. Has it become more and more difficult to make decisions?  

  • Our modern world can be overwhelming, and choices seem to get more complex.  Have you started to simply ignore your challenges, hoping they’ll just go away?

3. Has tiredness become a constant companion?  

  • Whether it’s due to lack of sleep or just having less get-up-and-go, this is about more than aging.  There’s a growing feeling of depleted energy.

If you answered “yes” to many of the questions above... click here to keep reading to learn a great technique to help you step off the treadmill!

Challenge Question

What are you going to put in your "NO" pile this week?


FREE BOOK: 10 Effects of Stress and Which Essential Oils to Manage Them  - Cynthia Maloney

My friend Cynthia Maloney offers great advice on how to tackle stress using essential oils.  I've used them myself and know they work.  So if you are stressed and overwhelmed give it a try - it's so much better than going to Big Pharma for a solution!

Click here to download the book

If you know it's time for a change in a specific area of your life, but you aren't sure how to make it happen, this is for you - Courage, Risks and Reward: Taking a Chance to Change Your Life -  a 5-part Coaching Program compliments of The LEAP Network!

Click here to download the program.


Complimentary LEAPSTART consultation:
  Click here to schedule your session!



Renée Blasky is the Founder and CEO of The LEAP Network Ltd.

She wasn’t always the risk-taking entrepreneur that she is today. Through several important life experiences, including being an "expat" for the vast majority of her life and sailing an ocean, she learned the importance and benefits of risk-taking and how to embrace risk rather than fear it! Renée also realized capturing life’s fulfillment meant giving back to others. So, she started her second business: The LEAP Network in order to share her experiences and expertise with entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs.  This includes "trailing spouses", stay-at-home parents or elderly care givers who have sacrificed their careers due to circumstances beyond their control.  Renée coaches existing entrepreneurs on ways to monetize their passion, revitalize their businesses and take action to grow their businesses.  She coaches those  who have sacrificed their careers, either by choice or by uncontrolled circumstances, to eliminate frustration, boredom and loneliness while becoming more fulfilled and happy!  By helping them start their own online businesses, they can get their identity back, boost their self esteem and once again be financially independent!

Learn more about Renée and The LEAP Network by visiting her website here: www.theleapnetwork.coachesconsole.com.

You can also send an mail directly to Renée at:  rkblasky@theleapnetwork.co (not “.com”)

Please join us on social media:


Renée Blasky
The LEAP Network, LLC