20 December 2018

Hello Renée,

“If you look to others for fulfillment, you will never be truly fulfilled.” Lao Tzu

Have you ever blamed everyone and everything for your unhappiness?  “If only I had this, or if only this hadn’t happened, or if only this person didn’t do this to me.”  Giving excuses and laying blame at someone else’s feet is easy to do.  There’s only one major problem with this: your happiness is your responsibility, no one else’s.  Others cannot make you happy.   

Happiness and fulfillment typically comes from living with passion, growing as a person and giving to others.  Hence the saying, “It is better to give than receive”.  At this time of year, do something special for those you love – you just may end up being the one to receive something even bigger – a sense of happiness and fulfillment.

Wishing you the very best for this holiday season! 
May the joy of family, friends and a deep sense of happiness and fulfillment be yours!


 Taking the LEAP with you!



Fulfillment in life is related to how well you are living in alignment with what’s truly important to you: i.e. your values and your passions.

Do your decisions emerge from the essence of who you are—not from who you think you should be or whom someone else thinks you should be?  Do you live a life revolved around what you are passionate about – not just what you are good at, but what you really love to do?  Fulfillment can be even more abundant when you take what’s truly important to you and what you’re really passionate about and share it with the world! 

So, if you are in a corporate job and are thinking about making a change, or if you’ve moved abroad and are now trying to find something to do over the next few years, make the change with passion and fulfillment in mind.

How well are you living a life that is of your own making?

Click here to take this quiz to find out, so you can find fulfillment no matter where you are in life.



Have you ever read a “Choose Your Own AdventureTM book?

If you have, you will remember at various points in the story, you are presented with two or three options; e.g. “To follow the man into the cave, turn to page 43. To return to the village, turn to page 57.”

It’s a really cool concept that turns a story into a game. You passively enjoy the plot for a while, then you get to dive in and make your move.

These books are like training wheels for your life. The only difference is, in your own “Choose Your Own Adventure” story, you are the audience and the author.

Every day in your real life you are presented with choices. If you don’t like them, you can create a new one. Sure, it may seem that your options are limited by finances, family, employment or education, but remember this…

YOU are a powerful, intelligent, creative human being
with ample, unseen resources.
Your life is your choice, your design.

Click here and ask yourself some insightful questions to help you design your story and craft the adventures you want to live.

How will you design YOUR story?


Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out, Marci Shimoff
This is a great resource to learn from a transformational expert on how to be happy, regardless of your goals, how much money you have, how your relationships are or are not working, or anything else you are facing.  Learn practical strategies to help you experience happiness from the inside out!
Click here to discover this and other awesome resources on my website


If you know it's time for a change in a specific area of your life, but you aren't sure how to make it happen, this is for you - Courage, Risks and Reward: Taking a Chance to Change Your Life -  a 5-part Coaching Program compliments of The LEAP Network! Click here to download the program.


Complimentary LEAPSTART consultation:
  Click here to schedule your session!



Renée Blasky is the Founder and CEO of The LEAP Network Ltd.

She wasn’t always the risk-taking entrepreneur that she is today. Through several important life experiences, including being an "expat" for the vast majority of her life and sailing an ocean, she learned the importance and benefits of risk-taking and how to embrace risk rather than fear it! Renée also realized capturing life’s fulfillment meant giving back to others. So, she started her second business: The LEAP Network in order to share her experiences and expertise with "trailing spouses" who have sacrificed their careers to move across the globe when their spouses are transferred overseas.  Renée coaches on ways to avoid the "trailing spouse syndrome" to eliminate frustration, boredom and loneliness while becoming more fulfilled and happy!

Learn more about Renée and The LEAP Network by visiting her website here: www.theleapnetwork.coachesconsole.com.

You can also send an mail directly to Renée at:  rkblasky@theleapnetwork.co (not “.com”)

Please join us on social media:


Renée Blasky
The LEAP Network, LLC