“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can
change their future by merely changing their attitude.”
~ Oprah Winfrey

8 April 2021

Dear Renée,

Did you ever get sent to your room as a kid because you needed an “attitude adjustment”? This was one of my Mom’s favorites – but she would always send me to the bathroom mirror first to see how I looked! Once I spent some time in reflection, I could come out of my room with a better attitude. 

As an adult, I don’t send myself to my room, but I have learned to recognize when I need to make an adjustment. I’m always looking for different tools to do this for my clients as well. After all, I can hardly send them to their rooms, now can I?

Last year, I was introduced to the Positive Intelligence® program by a fellow coach and loved it! It is a program which trains us to recognize our negative thoughts and their causes, how to quiet those same thoughts and then, to charge our attitudes with the objective of having three positive thoughts for every negative thought. I went through the 7-week program myself and am now undergoing extensive training to become a certified coach in the program.  As part of the Positive Intelligence® coaching community, I can incorporate this program as part of my coaching tools. 

So, if you lay awake at night thinking, ”What's wrong with me?”, “I'm not good enough!” or “Why can't I earn the income I want, need and deserve?” keep reading!

Taking the LEAP with you!


Are You In Need of an Attitude Adjustment?

If you are a solopreneur, you may be feeling really tired of the slog of building your business, especially if you started it last year. You might even feel as if you are being dragged through the mud. And the thought of giving up on your dream is becoming a daily thought.

Be assured, you are not alone in these thoughts. Many struggling start-up and small business owners are right there with you. That knowledge doesn't provide you with any comfort though, does it? Entrepreneurship is hard!

Have you ever considered the results you are getting are because you are getting in your own way?

Self-doubt and negative emotions are powerful stuff!  They can sabotage you before you even get your business off the ground. But to stop the self-sabotage, you must discover those negative emotions and recognize how and when they are interfering with your life.

In other words, you need to acknowledge your emotions, not avoid them. They are sending you strong messages you are likely ignoring or resisting.

Did you know 80% of success starts with our emotions?

Our emotions control our thoughts.
Our thoughts control our actions, and
Our actions determine our success! 

How and when we take action is determined by our feelings.

  • If we do not have the right attitude, we cannot take the right actions.
  • If we don't take the right actions with the right attitude, we don't grow our dream business!

Here's the bad news......Our brains are pre-wired for negativity!

  • Research has shown we have an average of 60,000 thoughts per day of which 95% are the same thoughts we had the day before and the day before that.
  • That may not be a bad thing but for the fact that approximately 80% of those habitual thoughts are negative!  That means we have more than 45,000 negative thoughts every single day!
  • Our brain is wired this way to help keep us alive - to be in the "fight or flight" survival mode.  As a new born we are "pre-programed" to be on the look out for what will sabotage us.

What would you think if you could...

◻️ Make everything you do a success, including building a thriving business?
◻️ Create a happier and more joyful life?
◻️ Remove the negativity, the stress, the fear and the anxiety?
◻️ Enjoy a calmer and more tranquil life with little or no yelling?
◻️ Have the clarity and confidence you can do anything you want?
◻️ Meet your goals easier and with more fun?
◻️ Increase your income and create financial freedom?

Here's the good news! 

The Charge Your Attitude program utilizing the
Positive Intelligence® Training and App is ready!

Check it out here

So many have used the Positive Intelligence® program to increase sales, improve productivity, grow profits and even improve their relationships with family, friends and employees!

Think about your last 24 hours.

What occurred that caused you to get upset or fail to do something? What negative emotions were triggered about yourself, or others during those events? How did they impact your business and/or relationships?

By understanding your emotions, you can learn to intercept them so they don’t interfere with your life!

Want to know more? Take the free assessment in the Awesome Resource section.


Positive Intelligence® Assessment

Click here to take the free Positive Intelligence® Assessment to understand what Saboteurs are interfering with your life.

Once you have your results, I’ll help you understand how you can quiet your Saboteurs to get better results. Schedule your Saboteur Assessment coaching call here.


If you know it's time for a change in a specific area of your life, but you aren't sure how to make it happen, this is for you - Courage, Risks and Reward: Taking a Chance to Change Your Life -  a 5-part Coaching Program compliments of The LEAP Network! Click here to download the program.


Join me in a one-hour complimentary strategy session to help determine how you can move forward in getting unstuck, and gain momentum to move in the right direction for you.

During our session, we will go over one or two exercises and determine the one next step you can take on your own after the call to keep the momentum going. Click here to schedule your session


Renée Blasky is the Founder and CEO of The LEAP Network Ltd.

After realizing her career in the financial industry was no longer exciting, Renée started her journey as a Start-up Business Coach by completing the Tony Robbins and Cloe Maddanes Core 100 Strategic Intervention program and she has never looked back!

Through her Get Results Without the Overwhelm Program, she loves working with new solo entrepreneurs to help them become the CEO of their companies. Using her unique process she helps them strategize, set stick-worthy goals, and implement an action plan. The program includes valuable resources to help them stay focused, create the right mindset, and stay accountable.  She also gently pushes her clients outside of their comfort zones and helps them face their fears so they can achieve their dreams. Renée works with her clients through various online courses, webinars, one-on-one coaching, and group coaching programs.

In addition to her own Get Results Without the Overwhelm Program, Renée is a certified trainer for Marci Shimoff's Happy for No Reason and Susan Jeffer's Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway courses based on their respective books of the same name. She is also in the process of getting certified in the Positive Intelligence program.

Renée, who obtained her CFA Charter in 1990, has over 30 years of experience in the finance industry and first entered into the world of entrepreneurship in 1997 after discovering several ethical lapses at her places of employment.  She decided it was best to start her own business so she could dictate the values and beliefs from which to run her business.  Renée's coaching clients are based all over the world, and range from various types of coaches, import/exporters, to direct line marketers. 

Learn more about Renée and The LEAP Network by visiting her website here: www.theleapnetwork.coachesconsole.com.

You can also send an email directly to Renée at rkblasky@theleapnetwork.co (not “.com”)

Please join us on social media:


Renée Blasky
The LEAP Network, LLC