“Make your vision so clear
that your fears become irrelevant.”

17 December 2020

Dear Renée,

Twas’ a week before Christmas and not a snowflake in site...

It doesn’t look like we will have a white Christmas this year.  Albeit we had nine inches of snow in October – it’s an understatement to say Minnesotans are used to unpredictable weather (and its usually a main topic of conversation!). 

So, while I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, I’m taking the time to take stock of the last 12 months; the great, the good and the ugly!  It certainly has been a remarkable year; one we are unlikely to forget. I find looking back to see what worked, what didn’t, where I can improve and to create a vision for the next year helps me get ready for the New Year.

The real questions I love to contemplate, however, are, “Do I like who I’m becoming? Am I happy and do I still love what I’m doing?"  I’m delighted to report the answer to all of those deep questions is a resounding "Yes!" 

My journey over the last four years has brought me such joy, and allowed a profound transformation. Even a sorrowful experience two years ago forced me to be more present in the now and grateful for all that is – there are lessons in everything. I say a sincere “Thank You”, for unbeknownst to you, you did play a part! 

Wishing you the Merriest of Christmases and a Happy New Year!

I hope you too have joy, personal growth and a beautiful vision for your life!  If you are feeling stuck, let me know.  I can help you get unstuck!

Taking the LEAP with you!

Taking Stock

Ancient Romans named the month of January for Janus, their god of gates, doors and beginnings. Always pictured with two faces—one looking toward the future, the other back at the past—Janus is a fitting symbol for the turning of a new year.  

As we step through the doorway at the end of this year many will want to slam it shut! Will a window open as a result? That’s up to you!

Going from one year to the next, it’s natural to do as Janus does: look back and ahead. I suggest that instead of just reflecting on the past year or making New Year’s resolutions, consider using the last two weeks of the year to also take stock of your life.

  • Who are you?
  • What do you believe?
  • What do you really need?

When we discover who we really are, we stop living on auto-pilot and start to live with intention, focus and purpose. Knowing our “Why” and then taking actions to fulfill it provides us enormous opportunities to invite joy and happiness into our lives. Our choices become clearer. We begin to make active choices in our life, instead of making excuses or passively living with the status quo. 

Here are a few questions to get you started.

Have a journal or some way to record your thoughts (writing by hand keeps you in touch with your breath and your heart. If you are like me where you have been trained to think rationally, logically and avoid emotion, this exercise can be challenging. Take your time to get in touch with your heart – this is where the transformation takes place.  A glass of wine might help too.  Then revisit this exercise every couple of days to see if you discover anything else.   I’ve also given you some examples of my experiences at the beginning of my transformation to help you get the juices flowing.

  • What is aching to be expressed? (I thought of it as something was aching to get out but I didn’t know what it was at first)
  • What needs healing (I needed to forgive myself for the breakup of my marriage.)
  • What unique gifts, talents and skills do you bring to the world? How are you using them, or not? (I wasn’t feeling fulfilled as I knew I had so much more to give – again I didn’t know what it was at first – that came much later.)
  • Who do you need to forgive? How about yourself? (For me it was important to understand the situation from the other person’s perspective – it was much easier to forgive when I could empathize with them.) 
  • What beliefs are holding you back or getting in your way? (Money and success definitions were a big block for me!)
  • What can you let go of in your life? (I had attachments to what I thought should happen rather than allowing things to flow – I wanted to control everything and as a result, I became happier when I allowed life to evolve – it took me to a place I would have never thought I’d be – but I’m so happy I gave up that control!)
  • What makes you happy? (Being self-employed, helping to empower women entrepreneurs, having personal freedoms and experiencing continuous life long learning!)

Please don’t forget to consider the vital information the other “parts” of yourself are giving you. When you use only your head, your experience of yourself and the world is more limited. For instance:

  • Listen to your body. What is it telling you? When someone yells at you, does your stomach tie up in knots? Do your shoulders stiffen when you’ve been too focused on fulfilling others’ needs and ignoring your own? Notice the messages your body is giving you. It usually knows something is wrong before your brain figures it out.
  • Check in with your heart. The heart is the home of what is most alive in us. What does your heart have to say about your job or your business? About how you spend your days? Does it need more play time? What, according to your heart, really matters?  Can you have bigger impact by thinking through your heart?
  • Listen to your intuition, your “gut". Your intuition speaks volumes, but often gets ignored. What is this voice saying now?

Don’t forget to notice what you already have that is working. Acknowledge and give thanks for the gifts and the beauty and the miracles that are in your life right now. Write them down. Add to the list every day.

This exercise will only work if you dig deep and are honest with yourself. So, tell yourself the truth. Now is the time to start being honest about who you really are. Encouraging those unlived parts of ourselves to emerge can provide an exhilarating sense of discovery and optimism for the New Year and beyond.

Undertake the above exercise with a close trusted friend...

  • It can make it more fun and they can often “see” us when we are not yet completely honest with ourselves. It also helps to get their perspective in “seeing” us.

  • We often do not acknowledge our greatness and are too quick to judge or express the “inner critic’s” opinion.


In the New Year I will be introducing a new coaching program to help get better results quicker and easier.  I’m really excited about it as I will be using the tools I’ve learned through a few certification programs.  I’ve used them myself and know they work! So, stay tuned.  You will be receiving some emails from me to explain the opportunities available to you.

In the meantime, if you want to better understand why you are not feeling fulfilled or are not happy with your ability to get things try taking an assessment of your positive intelligence. 

To take the free assessment go to: https://assessment.positiveintelligence.com/saboteur/overview

You might be surprised by what you discover!



If you know it's time for a change in a specific area of your life, but you aren't sure how to make it happen, this is for you - Courage, Risks and Reward: Taking a Chance to Change Your Life -  a 5-part Coaching Program compliments of The LEAP Network! Click here to download the program.


Join me in a one-hour complimentary strategy session to help determine how you can move forward in getting unstuck, and gain momentum to move in the right direction for you.

During our session, we will go over one or two exercises and determine the one next step you can take on your own after the call to keep the momentum going. Click here to schedule your session


Renée Blasky is the Founder and CEO of The LEAP Network Ltd.

After realizing her career in the financial industry was no longer exciting, Renée started her journey as a Start-up Business Coach by completing the Tony Robbins and Cloe Maddanes Core 100 Strategic Intervention program and she has never looked back!

Through her Get Results Without the Overwhelm Program, she loves working with new solo entrepreneurs to help them become the CEO of their companies. Using her unique process she helps them strategize, set stick-worthy goals, and implement an action plan. The program includes valuable resources to help them stay focused, create the right mindset, and stay accountable.  She also gently pushes her clients outside of their comfort zones and helps them face their fears so they can achieve their dreams. Renée works with her clients through various online courses, webinars, one-on-one coaching, and group coaching programs.

In addition to her own Get Results Without the Overwhelm Program, Renée is a certified trainer for Marci Shimoff's Happy for No Reason and Susan Jeffer's Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway courses based on their respective books of the same name. She is currently undergoing a coaching certification in Positive Intelligence as well.

Renée, who obtained her CFA Charter in 1990, has over 30 years of experience in the finance industry and first entered into the world of entrepreneurship in 1997 after discovering several ethical lapses at her places of employment.  She decided it was best to start her own business so she could dictate the values and beliefs from which to run her business.  Renée's coaching clients are based all over the world, and range from various types of coaches, import/exporters, to direct line marketers. 

Learn more about Renée and The LEAP Network by visiting her website here: www.theleapnetwork.coachesconsole.com.

You can also send an email directly to Renée at rkblasky@theleapnetwork.co (not “.com”)

Please join us on social media:


Renée Blasky
The LEAP Network, LLC